Dancer, teacher and choreographer, Valeria Livolsi began studying classical dance in Milan at the age of five, and then extended her preparation to contemporary dance, tap dance, jazz dance and hip-hop, specializing in the latter two disciplines.
She studied with various teachers and followed numerous internships in Italy and the United States, specializing in
New York e a Los Angeles.
She has a diploma in languages and a degree from the D.A.M.S. (Disciplines of Arts, Music and Entertainment) of the University of Bologna, where she presented a thesis entitled “Jazz Dance. History and Analysis of a Dance Form and its Application in American Musical Film”.
She won a university scholarship that allowed her to attend the Dance Department at UCLA (University of California Los Angeles) for a year.
She has danced in numerous shows in Italy and the USA, and for Italian television (Rai Due and Canale 5) and has also worked extensively as a choreography assistant, taking care of shows, conventions and fashion shows.
For years he has passionately dedicated himself to choreography (dance shows, fashion shows, advertising) and teaching.
She is also a teacher of "History of Musical" at "MTS_Musical the School", a professional musical school in Milan.
She graduated from the advanced training course for dance educators at the Mousikè center in Bologna; she followed a master's degree in preparatory dance for children according to the approach of the Dance Academy of Rome; she holds the SNaQ qualification as a second level classical and modern dance instructor, issued by Libertas-C.O.N.I.
She is a trainer of classical and modern dance teachers.
She is a member of DES (national association of Dance Education School), with which she collaborates on research, study, promotion and dissemination of the educational function of dance within the School, and carries out educational dance projects for the school of obligatory, during school hours.
She obtained the Pilates matwork diploma issued by the Italian Fitness Federation.
She collaborated with an internet portal as a dance expert.
Other work experiences, unrelated to the field of dance, concern participation in conferences, conventions and courses organized by universities and private agencies, as hostess, coordinator, researcher and English teacher.
She also recently served as a primary school teacher.
Teaches: Introduction to Dance, Classical Dance, Modern Dance, Stretching and Training for Professionals